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Private Tom Arthur James, 15th (County of London) Battalion, the London Regiment (Prince of Wales&#3

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 1917, Private Tom Arthur James, 15th (County of London) Battalion, the London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles), was killed in action on the western front.

Employed as a clerk at the Board of Trade before the outbreak of the Great War, Private James joined up in August of 1914 and landed with his regiment at Le Havre on the 18th of March in 1915. He saw action at the Battles of Loos, Vimy Ridge, High Wood, and Warlencourt.

He is buried in the Bedford House Cemetery at West-Vlaanderen in Belgium, and his name is inscribed on the regiment’s memorial in The Strand in London.

Tom, from London, was 19 years old.

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