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Lance Corporal Laurence Jubb, Royal Corps of Transport, attached to Royal Engineers

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 1972, Lance Corporal Laurence Jubb, 56th Field Squadron, Royal Engineers, was killed near Armagh city in Northern Ireland. He had been travelling in an eight-ton Scammell truck near the entrance to the Drumarg Park housing estate when a group of children not only stepped into the road but began to throw stones at the vehicle. The driver swerved to avoid them, but swerved again to avoid others and the vehicle jack-knifed and overturned in the garden of a house. A man who had lived in the area as a child and returned decades later remembered that day: “The scene comes back to me like it was yesterday: the arc lights, the mangled truck, the cries from within, the silence of the gathering crowd.”

There were two other soldiers in the vehicle with Lance Corporal Jubb, fortunately they survived their injuries. It took three hours for the soldiers to be freed from the vehicle. Some local people attempted to help, including a nurse whose husband was in Long Kesh at the time.

Laurence, from Doncaster, was 22 years old and married – his wife gave birth to twin girls a week after his death.

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