Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2010, Lance Corporal Scott Hardy and Private James Grigg, both from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, died in Afghanistan. They were killed (while serving as part of the Household Cavalry Regiment Battle Group) in an explosion north of Musa Qal’ah district centre, Helmand province.
Lance Corporal Hardy had worked as a bricklayer before joining the Army where he excelled in training and deployed to Afghanistan three weeks after passing out. He passed the Leadership Course in 2008 and was promoted shortly thereafter. His family said he was a proud professional soldier with passionate enthusiasm, and that he could be relied upon to lift his men’s morale even in the worst of situations: “they loved him, he loved them.” He arrived in Afghanistan in October of 2009 and was employed as a Section Second in Command in 3 Platoon of A (Norfolk) Company.
Lieutenant Simon Broomfield said: “Older than most when he joined up, Lance Corporal Hardy was one of the rocks that 3 Platoon relied upon. He joined the Company half way through Op HERRICK 6 in 2007 and stayed with the ‘Fighting Ninth’ until he died. Due to go on his Section Commanders’ Battle Course on return to the UK, he was undoubtedly going to achieve a strong pass - he was a good leader, a man that I trusted. Perhaps most impressive was the way he motivated his men. He had a perfect balance of stick and carrot, which was ironic as he had the most striking ‘carrot-top’ hair. Always smiling, always ready with a joke, he was one of those larger than life characters who was always looking for the next thing to take the mickey out of..”
Scott, from Chelmsford was 26 years old.
Private Grigg had been in the battalion for a year when he deployed to Afghanistan. He is remembered as a quiet man who would become animated when the subject of cricket came up, something which was the first passion in his life, the second being a Viking. He was friendly, trustworthy, helpful and intelligent with a razor-sharp wit. Major Stuart Smith said: "Private Grigg joined A (Norfolk) Company just over eighteen months ago and this was his first Operational tour and one he was rightly proud to be part of. A thoroughly professional soldier, he was also a real character with a sense of humour that ensured he was popular amongst his Platoon. Always smiling and never complaining James will be sorely missed by all those who knew him. Despite leaving a hole in our ranks, I know he would want us to continue with our mission. He had quickly become and always will be a true Viking."
James, from Hartismere in Suffolk, was 21 years old.