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48 Hour Sleep Out for UK Homes 4 Heroes

Marion Rogers
Sleeping rough for 48 hours opposite Downing Street for UK HOMES 4 HEROES PRIDE & PASSION because we want to raise awareness of homeless UK veterans

For the 3rd year in a row we will be sleeping out on London's streets for 48 hours to help raise awareness of the plight of our homeless veterans and to raise funds for a very worthwhile charity, UK Homes 4 Heroes. The charity is run entirely by volunteers and has helped many veterans get back on their feet when the government has turned their back on them. Our veterans fought for us, it's only right we should return the favour, please help us to help them. Any donation however large or small will go a long way to help them see that we care.

We will be in the pen opposite Downing Street from 7pm Friday 6th October through to Sunday 8th October, if you are in the area please come along and show your support:) Thank you.

You can also donate via text, even £1 makes a difference:)). Just text UKHH48 followed by £1, £2, £5 or whatever you would like to donate to 70070.

This Charity was founded on the 23rd April 2010 in response to the plight of homeless ex service personnel. It is estimated that over 4500 previously serving members of the British Armed Forces are sleeping rough in the UK today. With MOD due to be making cuts this figure is going to rise. UK Homes 4 Heroes objectives are: 1. To dedicate hostel style accommodation to our ex service personnel and only them. Providing a safe, clean living environment where they can feel secure and at home. 2. To help gain a permanent home through social housing, assisting through the application and bidding phases. 3. To provide counselling services for people with psychological disorders, i.e. Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Over the short period in which this charity has formed the response we have had from the British Public has been overwhelming. We have had interviews on BBC Radio 5 Live, coverage in the Sun Newspaper and countless updates in our local Paper, The Southwark News. reaction to this Charity has been incredible, we still need more help, more donations, more awareness and above all more support. We have a 16 strong team of dedicated professionals team heading this operation and we will not give up until we succeed. We have the backing of the London Pearly Kings & Queens, one of the oldest charitable institutes in Britain today.
Charity Registration No. 1138073

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