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Gunner Richard Furminger, Royal Artillery, and Signaman Paul Reece, Royal Corps of Signals

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 1979, Gunner Richard James Furminger of the Royal Artillery and Signalman Paul Reece of the Royal Corps of Signals were killed in a landmine explosion in Northern Ireland. They had been in Northern Ireland for only nine days. A three-vehicle convoy was returning from investigating a burned-out vehicle which had been used in the murder of an RUC officer - travelling on the road between Moy and Armagh City - when a 400 lb culvert bomb was detonated by IRA men who also opened fire on the convoy. Gunner Furminger and Signalman Reece were killed instantly in the explosion. Three other soldiers were seriously injured, and others were able to return fire which resulted in the gunman retreating and unfortunately escaping across a field to two waiting vehicles. At Gunner Furminger's funeral, the officiating priest said: "This world is haunted by the faces of sorrowing mothers." Richard from Colchester, and Paul from Crewe, were both 19 years of age.

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